
Firmwareupdates für mehrere Fujifilm Systemkameras

Neue Firmware für die Fuji­film X-T3, X-Pro3, X-T100, X-A7 und X-A5 verfügbar
von Marcel veröffentlicht

Bereits im November hatte Fuji­film die Firm­ware­ver­sion 3.10 für die X-T3 an­ge­kün­digt. Seit heute ist sie ver­füg­bar. Darüber hinaus haben auch mehrere andere Fuji-DSLMs ein Firm­ware­up­date spen­diert be­kom­men, wel­che ver­schie­dene Ver­bes­serun­gen mit sich bringen.

Fujifilm Firmwareupdates
Fujifilm Firmwareupdates


Die Changelogs der einzelnes System­kameras vari­ieren. Bei bei­nahe allen um­fas­sen die Änderun­gen ge­gen­über ihrer Vor­gänger­ver­sion „ledig­lich“ Bug­fixes. Ein­zig die Fujifilm X-T3, hat mit dem Gimbal-Support an neuer Funk­tio­na­li­tät dazu­gewonnen.

Fujifilm X-T3 Firmware 3.10

  • Gimbal / Drone support (*)

    This firmware adds the following function to complement the current support for still image shooting via USB communications:

    • Starting and ending video recording
    • Adjusting exposure settings (exposure mode, shutter speed, aperture, ISO sensitivity, exposure compensation) for video recording
    • Making manual focus adjustments for video recording

    * This is the function via USB communication. About supported gimbals and drones, refer to support information not only on our website but also manufacturers' websites.

X-T3 Firmware downloaden

Fujifilm X-Pro3 Firmware 1.01

  • The phenomenon is fixed that a line noise can appear on the right end of a recorded image in continuous shooting with ES (Electronic Shutter).

X-Pro3 Firmware downloaden

Fujifilm X-T100 Firmware 2.01

  • When using an external flash, an image can be recorded with a selected color temperature.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that a display of the focused AF area is shifted when enlarging a recorded image by the touch zoom function.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that images are not recorded in the selected step of AE bracketing under a specific shooting condition.
  • Fix of slight defects.

X-T100 Firmware downloaden

Fujifilm X-A7 Firmware 1.02

  • “Battery level” is displayed as a default setting.
  • Fix of minor bugs.

X-A7 downloaden

Fujifilm X-A5 Firmware 2.01

  • When using an external flash, an image can be recorded with a selected color temperature.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that a display of the focused AF area is shifted when enlarging a recorded image by the touch zoom function.
  • The phenomenon is fixed that images are not recorded in the selected step of AE bracketing under a specific shooting condition.
  • Fix of minor bugs.

X-A5 Firmware downloaden

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